Episode 16 : Patrick Rodriguez

Founder of Cape Verdean Beautiful People, Patrick Rodriguez. CVBP consist of very unique,Talented Cape Verdeans individuals from around the World. A group of individuals that united their talents, minds and creativity together to create the most powerful, revolutionary, super group in the Cape Verdean Entertainment Industry! Nothing like this has ever been done.

CVBP has created, produced and posted some of the most powerful and most viral Cape Verdean videos on the internet. Our CVBP website promotes, recognizes and supports all Cape Verdean Talented People and Everyday Cape Verdean people from all around the world!!

CVBP is credited for embracing and bringing Cape Verdeans together and recognizing CV Talent from all around the Globe.

Links :

Twitter - https://twitter.com/iamcvbp?lang=en

Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/capeverdeanbeautifulpeople

Instagram -@iamcvbp

https://www.tigerpitpodcast.com https://www.facebook.com/thetigerpitpodcast Instagram - @thetigerpitpodcast

And don't forget to check out our sponsors

Unplugged Essentials - https://unpluggedfloatessentials.com/

Nak Muay Legends https://nakmuaylegends.com/

Athlon Rub - https://athlonrub.com/

The Stepping Razor Barbershop - http://thesteppingrazor.com/

The Dojo - http://thedojonyc.com/